Friday, February 17, 2006

A very Melbourne night...

It was a fabulously silly way to start bidding adieu to Melbourne - a night at the Moonlight Cinema, which screens in the gorgeous Botanical Gardens, in the open air. On the card that evening was "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", so we took a red and gold blanket to create a Gryffindor table at our very own Hogwarts feast, complete with long cloaks and Harry Potter birthday cake (which was even yummier this morning when I had some for breakfast!)

Happily, Melbourne didn't return the favour by deciding to rain. It was a clear and balmy night, and the flying foxes were out in force, soaring across the screen at strangely appropriate moments throughout the film. And the mozzies stayed at bay.

Special thanks to Jurgen and Mica for dressing up as Arthur and Molly Weasley, Lizzie for hiking in and out on her crutches, and Nicola and Ants for fabulous food, company and cleaning up.

I will miss you. A lot.

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