Friday, March 13, 2009

Georgi has (finally!) finished swimming the English Channel

Back in September, as you may recall, I took on the somewhat daunting challenge of swimming 'the equivalent of crossing the English Channel' to raise funds for a spinal injuries charity, Aspire UK. That's 22 miles, or 35.4 kms, or 1416 laps of the 25 metre pool in Witney. It's a bloody long way.

It's taken almost 6 months, and 21 separate swims, but today, I finally finished the job.

Technically, I was supposed to finish in December. And, if I'd been half as disciplined as my friend Mel, who diligently swims a mile on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then calls in at the pub for 2 pints on the way home, I could have swum twice that distance by now. But I isn't, and I haven't.

I could blame lots of things: the lurgey that knocked me flat for a week in December, followed by the pool closing for a month. Or work being stoopid busy. But the fact is that since the end of November I have had less than 10km (6 miles) to swim, and it's taken sodding ages.

However, now it's done, and I am so chuffed! Also, Aspire will still take your money. So, if you want to make one last ditch donation, you can give in any currency at Or hand me the cash - I'm posting off a cheque at the end of March.

Thanks everyone for your support, your interest,and for not giving me heaps when I looked like not making the distance. Youse lot are grouse!

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