Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter - Tintern Abbey

I've wanted to see Tintern Abbey for the longest time, and this Easter, we finally made it. Wow. Well worth both the wait, and the deviation enroute to our show at Caerphilly.

I've read stories before about spring grass 'studded with flowers', but I'd never seen it until today.
Even roofless, you can see so much of the majesty that once was. Hard to believe though, that all this existed for just a few dozen monks (maybe 60) and a hundred or so lay brethren. Something I never realised before today is just how many stone cupboards were built into the walls of monasteries. They really were planned down to the last detail.
There was even a 'warming house - the only room in the Abbey (apart from the kitchens and infimary) where heating was allowed. Brrrrrr.
All that remained at the end was to adjourn over the road to a pub for lunch. Kim reminded us all that, being good friday, we really should eat fish. So Ants went ahead with his steak - and Kim and I shared garlic prawns and a bowl of mussels in the most amazing cream and white wine broth... mmmm

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