Friday, May 26, 2006

Making environment part of business making decisions (Warning "Energy Nerd" alert)

It's finally happened - the major insurers of the world have started giving insurance premium discounts to people who drive low-greenhouse emitting cars.

The theory goes that insurance companies are the ones who have to pay up after hurricanes, droughts, bushfires, wild storms and flooding, all of which are set to increase as climate change takes hold. So people who do their bit reduce the risk of these problems, and get charged less accordingly. Apparently they (okay, technically 'we', until my little Pulsar gets sold) also drive less and are considered less of an accident/theft risk. Hurrah!

For the record, anyone who still thinks that 'global warming' means everything just gets warmer, and that this wouldn't be so bad (especially in England), consider this - 2 degrees "average" increase is enough to kill most of the Great Barrier reef. The last Ice Age was triggered by average temperatures just 5 degrees colder than now. And temperatures could rise by up to 7 degrees by 2100. Do you really need to drive to the shops to get milk?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I agree of the huge advantages of working from home , and having a kicking lil shopping centre just around the corner, means that the car doesnt leave our driveway for up to 5 days in a row....

Saw something recently with an idiot from the Herald sun (i think) saying that global warming aint true at all...cited one scientist against says it is one said it if he had done further research and looked at more than one nutter with his head in the sand, he may have got his facts a lil better organised....

Sounds like Scotland was fabbo indeed....sorry i havent emailled for so long but you n Anthony have been preoccupied and jainee and I have been soooooooooooooo flat out

Dave n Jainee