Monday, September 10, 2007

Guess who's off to the Rugby World Cup?

Okay, I admit to being something of a late convert to rugby. My hometown, Melbourne, is more Aussie Rules territory, and I didn't watch my first game of union until the last world cup - when my then housemates Etienne and Rhona persuaded me down to the pub to watch France vs Scotland. It was too late to score tickets to games (which were played in Melbourne and Sydney), but from then on I was hooked.

Four years on, married to a Kiwi, and I've been glued to the telly ever since host nation France got downed by Argentina in the opener.

Now, thanks to a 'heads up' email from a work chum offering cheap last-minute tickets, I'm off to Cardiff by bus, in the wee small hours of tomorrow morning to see Australia play Wales, in the Rugby world cup.

I'm so excited I can hardly stop jumping around for joy!


1 comment:

Special K said...

I'm so glad the Yanks didn't win the other night!

I will have to find someone to convert here. Though my Mum's here for 4 weeks as of Saturday, so she's be right into it! :)